Make a guess:

	void getSpinX()const
	void getSpinY()const
		fprintf(mFile,"\"%s.sp.spx.sp\" %d",mName.c_str(),mY);
	void getSpinZ()const
		fprintf(mFile,"\"%s.sp.spx.sp.sp\" %d %d %d %d %d %d",mName.c_str(),mZ,mX,mY,mZMin,mZMax,mXSize);

	//! sets the active name
	void setName(const char* inName)
		if (mName != inName)
			mName = inName;

	void setMinX(float inX)
		if (mX<inX) mX=inX;
	void setMaxX(float inX)
		if (mX>inX) mX=inX;
	void setMinY(float inY)
		if (mY<inY) mY=inY;
	void setMaxY(float inY)
		if (mY>inY) mY=inY;
	void setMinZ(float inZ)
		if (mZ<inZ) mZ=inZ;
	void setMaxZ(float inZ)
		if (mZ>inZ) mZ=inZ;

	float getXMin()const
		return mXMin;
	float getXMax()const
		return mXMax;
	float getYMin()const
		return mYMin;
	float getYMax()const
		return mYMax;
	float getZMin()const
		return mZMin;
	float getZMax()const
		return mZMax;

	//! the mouse's position
	float getMouseX()const
		return mMouseX;
	float getMouseY()const
		return mMouseY;
	float getMouseZ()const
		return mMouseZ;

	//! Get the color of this style
	core::stringc getColorName()const;

	//! Returns a char* array with the name of the mouse
	core::array<core::stringc> getNames() const;

	//! return the current internal scale, so to display text, you have to modify
	void setScale(bool newScale, const core::dimension2d<f32>& newScaleDimension);
	bool isScaleSet()const
		return mScale!=0;
	core::dimension2d<u32> getScaleDimension()const;

	bool isActive() const
		return (mSelectedSubId.size()>0);

	//! returns the name of the sub node
	virtual core::stringw getNodeName() const =0;

	//! returns the name of the sub node at index
	virtual core::stringw getNodeName(u32 index) const =0;

	//! returns the pointer to the node in the current sub list
	virtual ISceneNode* getSceneNode(s32 subId) =0;

	//! returns the type of node
	virtual E_NODE_TYPE getType() const =0;

	//! return a reference to the internal scene node
	virtual IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* getAnimatedMeshSceneNode() =0;

	virtual bool isMeshSceneNode() const =0;

	//! set if an IAnimatedMeshSceneNode is an IMeshSceneNode
	virtual void setMesh(IGameSceneNode* node) = 0;

	//! set if an IAnimatedMeshSceneNode is an IAnimatedMesh
	virtual void setAnimatedMesh(IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* node) = 0;

	virtual void